fleet advice &
lease brokerage

Privacy policy

The protection of your personal data is of the utmost importance to FLEET@VICE .
In this privacy statement we describe which measures are taken to guarantee the protection of your personal data in accordance with Belgian privacy legislation and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
With this explanation we wish to inform you clearly how we take care of your data within FLEET@VICE .

This privacy statement was last updated on February 9, 2023.

FLEET@VICE is responsible for your personal data

FLEET@VICE , Bosstraat 77A, 9810 Nazareth, Belgium, is responsible for the processing of your personal data. The controller is a “natural or legal person” who is responsible for collecting your personal data when you visit our website and when you complete our contact form on this website.

FLEET@VICE considers it extremely important that we, as the controller, are always available for any questions and comments regarding our privacy policy.

How you can get in touch with FLEET@VICE can be found further under Exercising your rights

Activities of FLEET@VICE

Our activity is specifically aimed at companies.

Social media

FLEET@VICE has a company page on LinkedIn, Facebook and Google to inform you about our services, current topics, events, etc. You are free to follow FLEET@VICE via these social media or not.

Website & Cookie Policy

FLEET@VICE has a website to inform you about our services, current topics, events, etc.

1. What are cookies?

FLEET@VICE uses cookies on its website(s). Cookies are small information files that are stored on your computer or device when you visit our website(s) and are usually used to optimize the usability of websites and apps.

There are different types of cookies, subdivided by origin, function and lifespan.

FLEET@VICE uses cookies to:

Improve the use and functionality of its websites and apps;
· To analyze how users use our websites and apps and to compile statistics; etc.
· Show the users of our websites and apps personalized information and advertisements.

For example, we can increase the ease of use by better tailoring our websites to your wishes and preferences. Cookies can also be used to personalize the content or publicity of a website.

Cookies can be placed by FLEET@VICE as well as by other parties. When we allow third parties to place cookies on our websites, these parties must contractually guarantee a secure connection over which the data is exchanged.

2. What types of cookies do we use?

Necessary cookies: these cookies ensure that you can navigate through our websites and apps and use the functionalities.

Functional cookies: this type of cookie makes it easier for our websites and apps to function and provides a personalized browsing experience by remembering login names, passwords and preferences, such as the language setting, for example.

Performance cookies: these cookies collect data about the use of our websites and apps, such as the number of visitors, which web pages are popular and the time users spend on a particular web page. Based on the behavior of our users, we can improve our websites and apps and optimize and personalize the user experience. We also use third-party cookies for this, such as:

Google Analytics: collects anonymous data about the use of our website and compiles visitor statistics. More information about how Google uses your data can be found at:

Hotjar: FLEET@VICE uses the analysis package Hotjar ( to gain insight into how you, as a unique, anonymous visitor, use our website in real time (mouse clicks, mouse movements, scrolling activity).

Third party cookies: based on your surfing behaviour, your demographic and your user data, we can make our advertisements more efficient and better attuned to your interests and only show you personalized advertising messages. With the cookies and tools of the advertising network of, for example, Google (Google AdWords), we can also show you advertisements for FLEET@VICE services that may be of interest to you on the websites that are part of those networks .

Embedded content

To support our marketing and other media activities, the FLEET@VICE site sometimes points to other sites via a clickable link. Cookies may also be created when visiting these external sites. For more information about the creation of cookies on such sites, “ FLEET@VICE ” recommends that you check the privacy policies of these websites.

3. Management of cookies

You can disable or delete all installed cookies from your computer or mobile device at any time via the settings of your browser (usually under “Help” or “Internet options”). Each type of browser has its own settings for managing cookies. You can find the information on the website of the browser you are using. More general information about managing cookies can be found at You can also visit the website choose from which companies you no longer wish to receive cookies.

Please note that changing the settings may cause the FLEET@VICE websites and other websites to malfunction. The same goes for mobile apps.

What data is collected?

1. We receive and process data from customers/suppliers/partners etc. in the context of a collaboration or future collaboration (prospecting).

This data falls into the category of “General Identification Data” and includes:

– Company
– Address information (Street, number, zip code, city/town)
– Surname
– First name
– E-mail address
– Phone Number
– Mobile number
– Financial identification

2. We receive and process data through “tracking technologies” that are collected in an automated manner, by visiting our website.

This data falls into the category of “Electronic Identification and Location Data”

– IP addresses, connection times,…
– Approach to location, environment,…
Surfing behavior (which pages are viewed, how long is a webpage viewed, clicks, hits, …);
– Through which channel is our website visited (search terms, via which webpage our website is visited);
– Which device is used (PC, smartphone, tablet, …);
– Which system software is used (Windows, Android, Apple, …);
– Which browser is used (IE, Mozilla, Chrome,…) ;

This data is completely anonymized and therefore cannot be linked to personal identification data, which means that an identification of the data subject is not possible for FLEET@VICE . Of course, if necessary, your permission for the use of cookies and tracking technology will be explicitly requested on the basis of the Telecommunications Act. This on the basis of our cookie policy as shown on our website.

3. FLEET@VICE does not receive or process sensitive personal data.

Sensitive personal data includes: racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual preferences, health and trade union membership.

Why do we collect your data?

In order for FLEET@VICE to be able to fully offer and perform its services, it needs various personal data from you. We mainly use personal data that we obtain directly from you, but also data that we collect ourselves. When you visit our website, data is collected using cookies

We need this information for our standard business operations and the provision of our services. In accordance with the GDPR, this corresponds to “Legitimate interest of the controller”.

The general identification data serves, among other things, for:

· Professional contacts via telephone, mobile phone, email, etc.
· Services to your company and employees
· Information about our services, current topics and knowledge events. There is an opt-in/opt-out option for this communication
· Marketing activities

How do we collect your data?

This can be done in several ways including:

· Personal/telephone/email contact
· Contact form on our website
· Contacts at network events
· Social media

How long will your data be kept?

As long as the cooperation is present and has not been canceled by either party, the personal data will be kept. After the end of the collaboration, the personal data will be kept for another seven years. As a data subject, you can expressly request that these be removed earlier without, however, violating the statutory retention periods.

With whom do we share your personal data?

In order to guarantee an optimal service at all times, FLEET@VICE cooperates with third parties specialized in their domain for certain activities. FLEET@VICE carefully selects its partners in such a way that they handle your personal data as conscientiously as FLEET@VICE does itself. Furthermore, they only receive this personal data in order to process it on behalf of FLEET@VICE . FLEET@VICE does not sell your personal data to third parties and these third parties are not allowed to use the data for their own (commercial) purposes. With these third parties, FLEET@VICEconcluded a processing agreement in which the aforementioned points were laid down.

Minimal data processing

The personal data we collect is adequate and relevant for our purposes. We limit our collection of your personal data to the minimum amount necessary for the purposes for which we process the personal data.

How do we secure your data?

FLEET@VICE recognizes the responsibility to provide an appropriate level of security for the information you entrust to us. FLEET@VICE has therefore taken various measures to protect your personal data against loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. We provide the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of your personal data.

FLEET@VICE makes every effort to thoroughly secure its network against unauthorized access and to safeguard the confidentiality of the personal data and business data of its customers and/or suppliers.

Organizationally, we have a privacy statement and clear responsibilities and authorities. The necessary processes and procedures are also in place to optimally implement and follow this policy.

What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

As a data subject, you have various rights, which are listed in the GDPR and include, among others

Right of access and inspection:

You have the right to access your personal data free of charge at any time, as well as the use we make of your personal data.

Right of improvement, deletion and limitation:

You are free to decide whether or not to communicate your personal data to FLEET@VICE. In addition, you always have the right to request us to correct, supplement or delete your personal data. You know that when requesting the deletion of personal data, certain services and products are no longer available.

Right of opposition:

You also have a right to object to the processing of your personal data for serious and legal reasons.

In addition, you always have the right to object to the use of personal data for direct marketing purposes; in such a case you do not have to give any reasons.

Right of free data transfer:

You have the right to obtain your Personal Data processed by FLEET@VICE in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and/or to transfer it to other controllers.

Right to withdraw consent:

Insofar as the processing is based on your prior consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent.

Exercise of your rights:

You can exercise your rights by contacting us:

– or by e-mail to,

– by post to:

Bosstraat 77A
9810 Nazareth

– or by using the “Contact” section on the website, provided that you always enclose a copy of your identity card.

Right to file a complaint:

You have the right to submit a complaint to the Belgian Privacy Commission:

Commission for the Protection of Privacy,

Drukpersstraat 35

1000 Brussel

Tel +32 (0)2 274 48 00, Fax +32 (0)2 274 48 35


These rights can be exercised free of charge by submitting a clear request to our administration. This states which right you wish to invoke with an explanation, a copy of your identity card and how we can contact you. You can report this via the following contact points:
U heeft een vraag?

+32 475 67 67 57

You have a question?

+32 475 67 67 57